Workflow automation

Workflow Automation with CLI

Beta. Release coming soon.

This section of the documentation will help you understand how to use CLI tool to effectively communicate with instance. The commands in this module will allow you to manage projects, upload files, etc.


General Information

If there are no credentials in the environment variables or no supervisely.env file, then the login command will be initiated whenever the any command in this section is initialized. The entered data will only be used to execute the current command. To avoid entering this data each time, use the login command first.

To correctly pass arguments for options in commands that can take several values you need to do follow:

  1. Use | as separator for arguments

  2. Using double quotes (recommend)

    supervisely command --opt "first agr | second arg"
  3. Escaping special characters

    supervisely command --opt first\ arg\ \|\ second\ arg

    where the escape character \ must be placed in front of what is being escaped

Log in

Authorize on a Supervisely instance to access the API to execute commands. Overwrite existing .env file and override environment variables. A backup file will be created for the .env file. Backup files will be stored for the last 5 authorizations.

supervisely instance login [OPTIONS]

Command options:

  • -s / --server-address - Server address.

  • -l / --login - User login.

  • -p / --password - User password.

Usage examples

1. Full interactive mode from scratch

supervisely instance login

Select Instance type:  (Use arrow keys)
  Community Edition
ยป Enterprise Edition

Enter server address here >>  # this step will be skipped for selection "Community Edition"
Enter login here >> user_1
Enter password here >> ************
User with login user_1 successfully authenticated on

2. Check authorization

In case you have already been authorized and have valid data, information about which user on which server is authorized will be shown.

supervisely instance login

User with login user_1 successfully authenticated on

3. Overwrite data / one-command authorization

If you want to change users and keep that authorization, or just want to authorize non-interactively, then use all options at once.

supervisely instance login -s -l user_1 -p password

User with login user_1 successfully authenticated on

Upload entity files

Upload entity files from a specified directory into a new or existing project or dataset.

supervisely instance $entity_type upload [OPTIONS]

$entity_type - command group name

Possible entity types:

  • images

  • videos

  • volumes

  • point-clouds

  • point-cloud-episodes

Command options:

  • -p / --paths - Path to the local directories with files. required, multiple

  • -tid / --team-id - Team ID.

  • -wid / --workspace-id - Workspace ID.

  • -pid / --project-id - ID of an existing project.

  • -did / --dataset-id - ID of an existing dataset.

  • -pn / --project-name - Name of the project to be created.

  • -dn / --dataset-name - Name of the dataset to be created.

  • -ep / --existing-project - This option is only used in interactive mode, where you choose which of the available projects to upload files to. It is not possible to use with '--project-id', because by using '--project-id' you are already indicating that you are going to upload data into a specific existing project.

  • -ed / --existing-dataset - This option is only used in interactive mode, where you choose which of the available datasets to upload files to. It is not possible to use with '--dataset-id', because by using '--dataset-id' you are already indicating that you are going to upload data into a specific existing dataset.

Usage examples

1. Upload via Interactive mode

supervisely instance $entity_type upload -p /path/to/dir

The team and workspace selection wizard will be initialized. Use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to make a selection, and the Enter key to confirm the selection.

Select Team:  (Use arrow keys)
ยป team_name_2

The next steps will prompt you to enter the name of the project and the dataset. It is necessary to enter the name of the project, in turn it is not necessary to enter the name of the dataset, in this case the name of the dataset will be the name of the first directory listed.

Creating new project. Please enter poject name here >> Project_1
Creating new dataset. Please press Enter to use the first dir name or write dataset name here >> Dataset_1

After the files are successfully uploaded, information with a link to the project will be displayed.

 Uploading images to project Project_1: 100%|โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ| 6/6 [00:00<00:00, 6.76it/s]
 To access uploaded files, please follow this link:

2. Upload via Semi-predefined mode

You can specify any of the IDs to skip some wizard steps.

For example, if you specify only the workspace ID, you will go straight to the step of entering the project name.

supervisely instance $entity_type upload -p /path/to/dir -wid 100

User with login user_1 successfully authenticated on
Creating new project. Please enter poject name here >> Project_1
Creating new dataset. Please press Enter to use the first dir name or write dataset name here >> Dataset_1

If you specify a workspace ID and a dataset name, you will only go through the step of entering the project name.

supervisely instance $entity_type upload -p /path/to/dir -wid 100 -dn Dataset_1

User with login user_1 successfully authenticated on
Creating new project. Please enter poject name here >> Project_1

In case you upload something into an existing project and want to select the project interactively - you need to specify option -ep

supervisely instance $entity_type upload -p /path/to/dir -wid 100 -ep -dn Dataset_1

User with login user_1 successfully authenticated on
Select Project:  (Use arrow keys)
ยป Project_1

And if you add the -pn parameter to the command above, then the results will be filtered and only projects with the -pn argument matches in name will be displayed.

supervisely instance $entity_type upload -p /path/to/dir -wid 100 -ep -pn Proj -dn Dataset_1

User with login user_1 successfully authenticated on
There were found 3 projects with similar names.
Select Project:  (Use arrow keys)
ยป Projector

In the above example, if no matches are found, you will see a list of all existing projects in the current workspace.

3. Upload via One-command mode

If you are going to automate some processes with scripts that will use CLI tool, it is possible to set all parameters for successful uploading.

In this case, be sure to initiate the login command before calling commands that communicate with the instance.

supervisely instance $entity_type upload -p /path/to/dir_1 -wid 100 -pn Project_4 -dn Dataset_1
# here you can write a code to extract project ID from stdout
supervisely instance $entity_type upload -p /path/to/dir_2 -pid 1111 -dn Dataset_2

Upload projects in Supervisely format

Upload projects from a specified directory to instance. Project must have Supervisely format.

supervisely instance $entity_type upload-project [OPTIONS]

$entity_type - command group name

Command options:

  • -p / --paths - Paths to the local directory or .tar archive with project in Supervisely format. To upload multiple projects, specify multiple paths, e.g. '-p "path/to/project1 | /path/to/project2"'. required, multiple

  • -n / --project-names - Names of the projects to be created. To upload multiple projects, specify multiple names, e.g. '-n "project1 | project2"'.

  • -tid / --team-id - Team ID.

  • -wid / --workspace-id - Workspace ID.

Usage examples

1. Upload via Interactive mode

supervisely instance $entity_type upload-project -p /path/to/dir/Project_1

The team and workspace selection wizard will be initialized. Use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to make a selection, and the Enter key to confirm the selection.

Select Team: team_name_2
Select Workspace:  (Use arrow keys)
ยป workspace_2

If you do not specify project names, then they will automatically be named with their folder names.

After the project is successfully uploaded, information with a link to the project will be displayed.

 Start uploading project:  Project_1
Uploading images to 'ds1': 100%|โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 29.58it/s]
 To access uploaded project, please follow this link:

2. Upload via One-command mode

In this case, be sure to initiate the login command before calling commands that communicate with the instance.

supervisely instance $entity_type upload-project -p "/path/to/dir/Project_1 | /path/to/tar/Project_2.tar" -n "Cars | Bikes" -wid 100

Download projects in Supervisely format

Download projects from instance to specified local directory.

supervisely instance $entity_type download-project [OPTIONS]

$entity_type - command group name

Command options:

  • -p / --save-path - Path to the local directory where the project(s) will be saved. required

  • -pid / --project-ids - ID of the project(s) to be downloaded. If not specified, you will be able to choose one within wizard. multiple

  • -did / --dataset-ids - ID of the dataset(s) to be downloaded according to the project(s). If not specified, all datasets will be downloaded. multiple

  • -a / --archived - If specified, the project(s) will be downloaded and saved in .tar archive(s).

Usage examples

1. Download via Interactive mode

supervisely instance $entity_type download-project -p /path/to/dir

The team, workspace, and project selection wizard will be initialized. Use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to make a selection, and the Enter key to confirm the selection.

Select Project: (Use arrow keys) 
ยป Project_2

Selected project with all datasets will be downloaded. Someday we'll add multiple dataset selection via wizard.

After the project is successfully downloaded, information with path to this project will be displayed.

 Downloading projects: 100%|โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ| 1/1 [00:03<00:00,  3.79s/it]
 Downloaded project Project_2 is available at:

In case you want to download project and store it as .tar archive, you need to add option -a to your call

2. Download via One-command mode

In this case, be sure to initiate the login command before calling commands that communicate with the instance.

supervisely instance $entity_type download-project -p /path/to/dir -pid "1111 | 1112" -did " 11, 12, 13 | all"

If you do not need to download the whole project, you can designate the datasets of this project to be downloaded by separating them with a comma ,. In this case, if you are downloading multiple projects, you need to designate datasets for each of them with a common separator |. To download all datasets for a project in such a complex download, specify None or all for it.

โ˜๏ธ Note that the sequence of projects and datasets for them must be consistent across the separator.

Downloading projects: 100%|โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ| 2/2 [00:05<00:00,  2.95s/it]
Downloaded project Project_1 is available at:
Downloaded project Project_2 is available at:

Last updated

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