For some labeling scenarios, it is needed to group objects. Let's consider the case when you need to label object parts and then group them together. Such binding will help you distinguish parts of different objects. In this tutorial, you will learn how to programmatically group objects together (binding) and how to work with existing bindings.
git clone
cd tutorial-object-binding
Step 3. Open repository directory in Visual Studio Code.
code -r .
Step 4. change ✅ workspace ID ✅ in local.env file by copying the ID from the context menu of the workspace. A new project with demo data will be created in the workspace you define:
WORKSPACE_ID=619 # ⬅️ change value
Step 5. Start debugging src/
Part 1. Create labels with binding and upload them to server
Import libraries
import os
from typing import List
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import cv2
import uuid
import supervisely as sly
Init API client
Init API for communicating with Supervisely Instance. First, we load environment variables with credentials and workspace ID:
if sly.is_development():
api = sly.Api()
Create project
Create empty project with name "tutorial-bindings" with one dataset "dataset-01" in your workspace on server. If the project with the same name exists in your dataset, it will be automatically renamed (tutorial-bindings_001, tutorial-bindings_002, etc ...) to avoid name collisions.
image_path = "images/image.jpg"
image_name = sly.fs.get_file_name_with_ext(image_path)
image_info = api.image.upload_path(, image_name, image_path)
print(f"Image has been successfully uploaded: id={}")
# will be needed later for creating annotation
height, width = cv2.imread(image_path).shape[0:2]
Read masks and create sly.Annotation
More details about how to create labels can be found in this tutorial.
# create Supervisely annotation from masks images
labels_masks: List[sly.Label] = []
for mask_path in [
# read only first channel of the black-and-white image
image_black_and_white = cv2.imread(mask_path)[:, :, 0]
# supports masks with values (0, 1) or (0, 255) or (False, True)
mask = sly.Bitmap(image_black_and_white)
label = sly.Label(geometry=mask, obj_class=class_car)
ann = sly.Annotation(img_size=[height, width], labels=labels_masks)
Create bindings
We know that all three masks are parts of a single car object. Let's bind them together. It is important to notice that any unique string can be label's binding_key.
key = uuid.uuid4().hex # key can be any unique string
for label in ann.labels:
label.binding_key = key
Upload annotation with binding to server
api.annotation.upload_ann(, ann)
As a result, we will have three objects of class car grouped together:
Part 2: Work with existing binding
Download annotation
Let's download existing annotation (we created it in part 1) from server.
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(api.project.get_meta(
ann_json = api.annotation.download_json(
ann = sly.Annotation.from_json(ann_json, meta)
Access to binding keys
If binding_key is None then the label does not belong to any group.
print("Labels bindings:")
for label in ann.labels:
The output will be the following:
Labels bindings:
Access all binding groups in annotation
groups = ann.get_bindings()
for i, (binding_key, labels) in enumerate(groups.items()):
if binding_key is not None:
print(f"Group # {i} [key={binding_key}] has {len(labels)} labels")
# Binding key None defines all labels that do not belong to any binding group
print(f"{len(labels)} labels do not have binding")
Discard binding
Let's remove bindings on objects of class car:
for label in ann.labels:
if == "car":
label.binding_key = None
Or you can discard binding for all labels in annotation:
Let's upload updated annotation (without bindings) back to the server: