Welcome to the Model Automation Training and Prediction tutorial!
In this guide, you'll learn how to automatically train a computer vision model and use it to make predictions on local images directly from your Python code.
This tutorial provides you with the necessary steps to achieve the following:
Automatically run training with given or default parameters.
Download pre-trained model weights from Team files where all generated artifacts will be saved.
Perform inference with a pre-trained model on local images to obtain object detection predictions.
Upload annotated images to Supervisely
Automated pipeline schema
💻 We wll use a 196 lines of Python code in main.py to demonstrate the entire process.
In this demo script we will use to automate the process of training the YOLOv8 model, but this workflow is applicable to other models as well.
Before we dive into the tutorial, let's learn how to debug it.
How to debug this tutorial
Step 1. Prepare ~/supervisely.env file with credentials. Learn more here.
git clone https://github.com/supervisely-ecosystem/model-automation-train-and-predict-pipeline.git
cd model-automation-train-and-predict-pipeline
Step 3. Open repository directory in Visual Studio Code.
code -r .
Step 4. change ✅ workspace ID, team ID, and project ID ✅ in local.env file by copying the ID from the context menu. A new project with annotated images will be created in the workspace you define. Learn more here.
TEAM_ID=481 # ⬅️ change value
WORKSPACE_ID=885 # ⬅️ change value
PROJECT_ID=24640 # ⬅️ change value
DATASET_ID=70781 # ⬅️ change value
Step 5. Start debugging src/main.py
Go to Run and Debug section (Ctrl+Shift+D). Press green triangle or F5 to start debugging.
Suppervisely allows you to connect your own computers with GPU to the platform and use them for model training, inference and evaluation ✨ for FREE. It is as simple as running a single command in the terminal on your machine.
🔗 Watch the short video to learn how to connect your machine.
If you already have the labeled data — just upload it into Supervisely platform using one of the 70+ import Supervisely Apps from our Ecosystem. You will find there the imports for all popular data formats in computer vision.
Python code
Import libraries
import os
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
import cv2
import requests
import supervisely as sly
import torch
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from ultralytics import YOLO
Load environment variables
Load environment variables with credentials, team ID, project ID, and workspace ID. Init api for communicating with Supervisely Instance.
api = sly.Api()
Define variables
GLOBAL_TIMEOUT = 1 # seconds
AGENT_ID = 230 # agent id to run training on
APP_NAME = "supervisely-ecosystem/yolov8/train"
PROJECT_ID = sly.env.project_id()
DATASET_ID = sly.env.dataset_id()
TEAM_ID = sly.env.team_id()
WORKSPACE_ID = sly.env.workspace_id()
DATA_DIR = sly.app.get_data_dir()
task_type = "object detection" # you can choose "instance segmentation" or "pose estimation"
image_path = os.path.join("data_dir/test/image3.png") # ⬅️ change value to your image path
Set the path to the image you want to predict on
Train model
module_id = api.app.get_ecosystem_module_id(APP_NAME)
module_info = api.app.get_ecosystem_module_info(module_id)
project_name = api.project.get_info_by_id(PROJECT_ID).name
sly.logger.info(f"Starting AutoTrain for application {module_info.name}")
params = module_info.get_arguments(images_project=PROJECT_ID)
session = api.app.start(
description=f"AutoTrain session for {module_info.name}",
task_id = session.task_id
domain = sly.env.server_address()
token = api.task.get_info_by_id(task_id)["meta"]["sessionToken"]
post_shutdown = f"{domain}/net/{token}/sly/shutdown"
while not api.task.get_status(task_id) is api.task.Status.STARTED:
sleep(10) # still need a time after status changed
sly.logger.info(f"Session started: #{task_id}")
📗 By changing data field you can customize training parameters such as: project id and dataset ids to train on, train mode (finetune or scratch), number of epochs, patience, batch size, input image size, optimizer, number of workers, learning rate, momentum, weight decay, warmup epochs, warmup momentum, warmup bias lr, augmentation parameters, and many others.
# 📗 You can set any parameters you want to customize training in the data field
"project_id": PROJECT_ID,
# "dataset_ids": [DATASET_ID], # optional (specify if you want to train on specific datasets)
"task_type": task_type,
"train_mode": "finetune", # finetune / scratch
"n_epochs": 100,
"patience": 50,
"batch_size": 16,
"input_image_size": 640,
"optimizer": "AdamW", # AdamW, Adam, SGD, RMSProp
"n_workers": 8,
"lr0": 0.01,
"lrf": 0.01,
"momentum": 0.937,
"weight_decay": 0.0005,
"warmup_epochs": 3.0,
"warmup_momentum": 0.8,
"warmup_bias_lr": 0.1,
"amp": "true",
"hsv_h": 0.015,
"hsv_s": 0.7,
"hsv_v": 0.4,
"degrees": 0.0,
"translate": 0.1,
"scale": 0.5,
"shear": 0.0,
"perspective": 0.0,
"flipud": 0.0,
"fliplr": 0.5,
"mosaic": 0.0,
"mixup": 0.0,
"copy_paste": 0.0,
}, # 📗 train paramaters
team_files_folder = Path("/yolov8_train") / task_type / project_name / str(task_id)
weights = Path(team_files_folder) / "weights"
best = None
while best is None:
if api.file.dir_exists(TEAM_ID, str(weights)):
for filename in api.file.listdir(TEAM_ID, str(weights)):
if os.path.basename(filename).startswith("best"):
best = str(weights / filename)
sly.logger.info(f"Checkpoint founded : {best}")
sly.logger.info("Training completed")
"The weights of trained model, predictions visualization and other training artifacts can be found in the following Team Files folder:"
Explore training artefacts in Team files
Training process generates artifacts including model weights (checkpoints), logs, charts, additional visualizations of training batches, predictions on validation, precision-recall curves, confusion matrix and so on. At the last step of the training dashboard you will see the location and direct link where the resulting directory with training artifacts is saved.
It is automatically uploaded from the computer used for training back to the platform to Team Files. You can find it there at any time.
# Load your model
model = YOLO(local_weight_path)
# define device
device = torch.device("cuda:0") if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
# load image
input_image = sly.image.read(image_path)
input_image = input_image[:, :, ::-1]
# Predict on an image
results = model(
# visualize predictions
predictions_plotted = predictions[0].plot()
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "predictions.jpg"), predictions_plotted)
Upload prediction in Supervisely format
# Get class names dictionary
class_names = model.names
# Create list of the sly.ObjClass objects
obj_classes = []
for name in class_names.values():
obj_classes.append(sly.ObjClass(name, sly.Rectangle))
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta(obj_classes=obj_classes)
# Process results list
labels = []
for result in results:
boxes = result.boxes.cpu().numpy() # bbox outputs
for box in boxes:
class_name = class_names[int(box.cls[0])]
obj_class = project_meta.get_obj_class(class_name)
left, top, right, bottom = box.xyxy[0].astype(int)
bbox = sly.Rectangle(top, left, bottom, right)
labels.append(sly.Label(bbox, obj_class))
# Create project, dataset and update project meta
project = api.project.create(WORKSPACE_ID, "predictions", change_name_if_conflict=True)
dataset = api.dataset.create(project.id, "dataset")
api.project.update_meta(project.id, project_meta.to_json())
# Upload the image to Supervisely
image_info = api.image.upload_path(dataset.id, "image.jpeg", image_path)
# Create an annotation for the image and upload it
ann = sly.Annotation((image_info.height, image_info.width), labels=labels)
api.annotation.upload_ann(image_info.id, ann)
sly.logger.info(f"New project created. ID: {project.id}, name: {project.name}")
Explore result project with model predictions in Supervisely.
In this tutorial we learned how to train a model using automatically train and perform inference on local image for object detection task. You can also use this code for other tasks: instance segmentation and pose estimation. Just change the task_type parameter in the data field of the request and update label creation code in the last part of the tutorial.
Copy team, workspace and project IDs from context menu
Debug tutorial in Visual Studio Code
Get demo project
Training artifacts are saved to your account to Team Files