Part 1 — Hello world! [From your Python script to Supervisely APP]

In this part, we will show you how you can turn any Python code into a Supervisely application

Table of contents

Step 1 — Python code

Let's start with a simple python code.


worlds = ['Westeros', 'Azeroth', 'Middle Earth', 'Narnia']

for world in worlds:
    print(f'Hello {world}!')

Step 2 — Configuration file

Config file. We. Need. It. To add a Python application to Supervisely, let's create a configuration file for it. An example of a config file:


  "name": "Hello world!",
  "type": "app",
  "categories": [
  "description": "There will be some description",
  "docker_image": "supervisely/base-py-sdk:6.1.93",
  "main_script": "chapter-01-headless/part-01-hello-world/src/",
  "task_location": "workspace_tasks",
  "isolate": true,
  "icon": "",
  "icon_background": "#FFFFFF"
  • docker_image — SDK version you were using, it doesn't matter in this app

  • main_script — path from repository root to (entry point)

Step 3 — Repository setup

In this step, we create a repository and add our code to it.

1. Generate new personal token

Open GitHub → Settings → Developer settings → Personal access tokens Click Generate new token

Select "repo" access scope and click "Generate token" button. Save generated token — you will need it later.

2. Create GitHub repository

Let's create a new GitHub repository that we will use to deploy a new Supervisely application. Create a new private GitHub repository:

3. Push app to repository

Make sure you have collected all the required files:

  • src/

  • config.json

Then just push files to git:

git init
git add --all
git commit -m "init first app"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

Step 4 — Add app to Supervisely

We've almost reached the finish line! It remains to add the application to the Ecosystem.

1. Go to the Private Apps section

2. Add your application

  1. In the Github repository URL field, specify the link to the directory containing the application's config.json

  2. In the GitHub personal access token field, paste your token that you saved in step 1

Step 5 — Results

Hello World!

Last updated

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