Object detection

Step-by-step tutorial explains how to integrate custom object detection neural network into Supervisely platform


This tutorial will teach you how to integrate your custom object detection model into Supervisely by using ObjectDetectionTrainDashboad class.

Full code of object detecting sample app can be found here

How to debug this tutorial

Step 1. Prepare ~/supervisely.env file with credentials. Learn more here.

Step 2. Clone repository with source code and create Virtual Environment.

git clone https://github.com/supervisely-ecosystem/object-detection-training-template
cd object-detection-training-template

Step 3. Open the repository directory in Visual Studio Code.

code -r .

Step 4. Start debugging src/main.py

Integrate your model

The integration of your own NN with ObjectDetectionTrainDashboad is really simple:

Step 1. Define pytorch dataset

import json
import random 
from typing import Literal, List, Dict, Optional, Any, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
import supervisely as sly
from torch.utils.data import Dataset

### 1. Redefine your dataset and methods or use them as is
class CustomDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, 
                 items: sly.ImageInfo, 
                 project_meta: sly.ProjectMeta, 
                 classes: List[str], 
                 input_size: Union[List, Tuple], 
                 transforms: Optional[iaa.Sequential] = None):
        self.items = items
        self.project_meta = project_meta
        self.classes = classes
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.transforms = transforms
    def __getitem__(self, index: int):
        image = sly.image.read(self.items[index].img_path)
        with open(self.items[index].ann_path, 'r') as f:
            ann = sly.Annotation.from_json(json.loads(f.read()), self.project_meta)

        if self.transforms:
            res_meta, image, ann = sly.imgaug_utils.apply(self.transforms, self.project_meta, image, ann)

        meta, image, ann = sly.imgaug_utils.apply(
                iaa.Resize({"height": self.input_size[1], "width": self.input_size[0]})

        # our simple model can work only with 1 bbox per image
        # you need to change code if your model more complicated
        label = random.choice(ann.labels)
        class_id = self.classes.index(label.obj_class.name)
        bbox = label.geometry.to_bbox()
        bbox = np.array([bbox.left, bbox.top, bbox.right, bbox.bottom])
        image = np.rollaxis(image, 2)
        return image, class_id, bbox

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.items)

Step 2. Define pytorch object detection model

from typing import Literal, List, Dict, Optional, Any, Tuple, Union

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision import models

### 2. Define neural network model
class CustomModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CustomModel, self).__init__()
        resnet = models.resnet34()
        layers = list(resnet.children())[:8]
        self.features1 = nn.Sequential(*layers[:6])
        self.features2 = nn.Sequential(*layers[6:])
        self.classifier = nn.Sequential(nn.BatchNorm1d(512), nn.Linear(512, 4))
        self.bb = nn.Sequential(nn.BatchNorm1d(512), nn.Linear(512, 4))
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.features1(x)
        x = self.features2(x)
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1,1))(x)
        x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1)
        return self.classifier(x), self.bb(x)

Step 3. Define subclass ObjectDetectionTrainDashboad and implement train method

import os
from typing import Literal, List, Dict, Optional, Any, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import supervisely as sly
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

import src.sly_globals as g
from src.dashboard import ObjectDetectionTrainDashboad

### 3. Define dashboard
class CustomTrainDashboard(ObjectDetectionTrainDashboad):
    def train(self):
        # getting selected classes from UI
        classes = self._classes_table.get_selected_classes()
        # getting configuration of splits from UI
        train_set, val_set = self.get_splits()
        # getting hyperparameters from UI
        hparams = self.get_hyperparameters()
        # initialized with selected hyperparameters pytorch optimizer will be returned 
        optimizer = self.get_optimizer(hparams)
        device = hparams.general.device
        # extra hparam to scale loss
        C = hparams.general.C
        # getting selected augmentation from UI
        transforms = self.get_transforms()
        train_dataset = CustomDataset(
        val_dataset = CustomDataset(
        train_loader = DataLoader(
        val_loader = DataLoader(

        # it will return None if pretrained model weights isn't selected in UI
        if self.pretrained_weights_path:
            sly.logger.info('Model checkpoint successfully loaded.')
        with self.progress_bar(message=f"Training...", total=hparams.general.number_of_epochs) as pbar:
            # change training and eval loops for your model if needed
            for epoch in range(hparams.general.number_of_epochs):
                train_total_samples = 0
                train_sum_loss = 0
                train_correct = 0 
                for batch_idx, (images, classes, bboxes) in enumerate(train_loader):
                    batch_size = images.shape[0]
                    images = images.to(device).float()
                    classes = classes.to(device)
                    bboxes = bboxes.to(device).float()

                    pred_classes, pred_bboxes = self.model(images)
                    loss_class = F.cross_entropy(pred_classes, classes, reduction="sum")
                    loss_bb = F.l1_loss(pred_bboxes, bboxes, reduction="none").sum(1)
                    loss_bb = loss_bb.sum()
                    loss = loss_class + loss_bb / C
                    train_total_samples += batch_size
                    train_sum_loss += loss.item()
                    _, pred = torch.max(pred_classes, 1)
                    train_correct += pred.eq(classes).sum().item()
                train_loss = train_sum_loss / train_total_samples
                train_accuracy = train_correct / train_total_samples
                if hasattr(hparams.intervals, 'validation'):
                    if epoch % hparams.intervals.validation == 0:
                        val_total_samples = 0
                        val_sum_loss = 0
                        val_correct = 0 
                        for batch_idx, (images, classes, bboxes) in enumerate(val_loader):
                            batch_size = images.shape[0]
                            images = images.to(device).float()
                            classes = classes.to(device)
                            bboxes = bboxes.to(device).float()

                            pred_classes, pred_bboxes = self.model(images)
                            loss_class = F.cross_entropy(pred_classes, classes, reduction="sum")
                            loss_bb = F.l1_loss(pred_bboxes, bboxes, reduction="none").sum(1)
                            loss_bb = loss_bb.sum()
                            loss = loss_class + loss_bb / C

                            val_sum_loss += loss.item()
                            val_total_samples += batch_size

                            _, pred = torch.max(pred_classes, 1)
                            val_correct += pred.eq(classes).sum().item()
                        val_loss = val_sum_loss / val_total_samples
                        val_accuracy = val_correct / val_total_samples

                if hasattr(hparams.intervals, 'сheckpoints'):
                    if epoch % hparams.intervals.сheckpoints == 0:
                        temp_checkpoint_path = os.path.join(g.checkpoints_dir, f'model_epoch_{epoch}.pth')
                        torch.save(self.model.state_dict(), temp_checkpoint_path)
                        self.log('add_text', tag='Main logs', text_string=f"Model saved at:\n{temp_checkpoint_path}")

                if epoch % hparams.intervals.logging == 0:
                    # common method to logging your values to dashboard
                    # you log values only by your own logger if it setted just call it by class name
                    # self.loggers.YOUR_LOGGER.add_scalar(tag='Loss/train', scalar_value=train_loss, global_step=epoch)
                    self.log('add_scalar', tag='Loss/train', scalar_value=train_loss, global_step=epoch)
                    self.log('add_scalar', tag='Loss/val', scalar_value=val_loss, global_step=epoch)
                    self.log('add_scalar', tag='Accuracy/train', scalar_value=train_accuracy, global_step=epoch)
                    self.log('add_scalar', tag='Accuracy/val', scalar_value=val_accuracy, global_step=epoch)
                self.log('add_text', tag='Main logs', text_string=f"Epoch: {epoch}\t|\tTrain loss: {train_loss:.3f}\t|\tVal loss: {val_loss:.3f}\t|\tTrain accuracy: {train_accuracy:.3f}\t|\tVal accuracy: {val_accuracy:.3f}")
            pbar.set_description_str("Training has been successfully finished")

Step 4. Configure your dashboard using parameters and run the app. That's all. 😎

### 4. Run dashboard app
dashboard = CustomTrainDashboard(
    # your neural network to train
    # These titles will be used for logging values while training as part of tags
    # self.log('add_scalar', tag='Loss/train', scalar_value=train_loss, global_step=epoch)
    plots_titles=['Loss', 'Accuracy'],
    # This row will add an additional hyperparam to the UI. 
    # You will have access to this hyperparam inside CustomTrainDashboard as
    # hparams = self.get_hyperparameters()
    # C = hparams['general']['C']
        'general': [
                title='Bbox loss scale', 
                description='Divide bbox_loss for this value', 
                content=InputNumber(1000, min=1, max=100000, size='small')),
app = dashboard.run()

How to customize the dashboard?

Configuration via parameters

This section provide detailed information about parameters for ObjectDetectionTrainDashboad initialize and how to change it.

class ObjectDetectionTrainDashboad:
    def __init__(
            # ↓↓↓ required ↓↓↓
            # ↓↓↓ optional ↓↓↓ 

pretrained_weights: Dict - it defines the table of pretraned model weights in UI


If the provided path doesn't exist in the local filesystem at sly_globals.checkpoints_dir, it will be downloaded from Team files.

You can read more about sly_global in the Additional notes section


pretrained_weights = {
    'columns': ['Name', 'Description', 'Path'], # table headers
    'rows': [
        # The path can be local path, team files path or url
        ['Unet', 'Vanilla Unet', 'data/checkpoints/unet.pth'], # local path
        ['Unet-11', 'VGG16', '/data/checkpoints/unet11.pth'], # team files path
        ['Unet-16', 'VGG11', 'https://your_file_server/unet16.pth'] # url (in the future releases)

The "Pretrained weights" tab will appear in the model settings card automatically.

hyperparameters_categories: List - list of tabs names in hyperparameters UI.


Default: ['general', 'checkpoints', 'optimizer', 'intervals', 'scheduler']

These names also will be used as parent keys for hyperparams from corresponding tabs. You can add/delete tabs by this parameter in hyperparameters card.


dashboard = CustomTrainDashboard(
    hyperparameters_categories = ['general', 'intervals']



extra_hyperparams: Dict - they will be added at the end of list hyperparams in the tab by passed tab name, which used as parent key.


Extra hyperparam structure

    'any_tab_name': [
            'any_key': str, # by key you will get access to widget value. hparams.any_tab_name.any_key
            'title': str, 
            'description': str,
            'content': sly.Widget # any widget from sly.app.widgets with "get_value" method

any_tab_name should be unique string.

any_key should be unique string for corresponding tab, but it can be repeatet on a another tab. See example below.

content work correctly only with sly.app.widgets, which have get_value method.

In other cases you have two options:

  • implement get_value method for your widget

  • modify get_hyperparameters method for support custom widgets


    # adding "addition_hparam1" and "addition_hparam2" to "general" tab
    'general': [
            title='Addition hyperparameter 1', 
            description='Some description about this hyperparameter', 
            content=InputNumber(1, min=1, max=1000, size='small')),
            title='Addition hyperparameter 1', 
            description='Some description about this hyperparameter', 
            content=InputNumber(6, min=2, max=10, step=2, size='small')),
    # adding duplicated "addition_hparam1" to "checkpoints" tab
    'checkpoints': [
            title='Addition hyperparameter 1', 
            description='Some description about this hyperparameter', 
            content=InputNumber(0.0001, min=0.0001, step=0.0001, size='small')),

dashboard = CustomTrainDashboard(
    extra_hyperparams = extra_hyperparams

hyperparams_edit_mode: String - the ways to define hyperparameters.


Default: `'ui'`

Supported values: ['ui', 'raw', 'all']

ui - only 🟢 section will be shown.

raw - only 🔴 section will be shown.

all - 🟢 + 🔴 sections will be shown together.

The hyperparams from UI will overwrite hyperparams with the same names from the text editor widget.

For example, if you declare hparam_1 with "general" as the parent key in extra_hyperparams or in hyperparameters_ui method

'general': [
        title='Hyperparameter 1', 
        description='Some description', 
        content=InputNumber(100, min=100, max=1000, size='small')),

and declare the same in the text editor widget

    hparam_1: 0.1

then when you will call get_hyperparameters method, the hparam_1 value will be equal to 100, not 0.1.

show_augmentations_ui: Bool - show/hide flag for augmentations card

Default: True

extra_augmentation_templates: List - these augmentations templates will be added to beginning of the list for selector in augmentations card:


You can create your own augmentations template .json using ImgAug Studio app.


    # label - just title for selector option
    # value - local path
    {'label': 'My aug 1', 'value':'aug_templates/light.json'},
    {'label': 'My aug 2', 'value':'aug_templates/light_corrupt.json'},
    {'label': 'My aug 3', 'value':'aug_templates/medium.json'},

If you will set hyperparams_edit_mode to raw or all, this additional widget will be shown.

download_batch_size: int - How much data to download per batch. Increase this value for speedup download on big projects.

Default: 100

loggers: List - additional user loggers



from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

class CSVWriter:
    def __init__(self, log_dir):
        # your code
    def add_scalar(tag, scalar_value, global_step):
        # your code

my_csv_logger = CSVWriter(g.csv_log_dir)
my_tensorboard = SummaryWriter(g.tensorboard_runs_dir)
loggers=[my_csv_logger, my_tensorboard]

You can log value for all loggers by calling common method.

All passed loggers should have the called method.

self.log(method='add_scalar', tag='Loss/train', scalar_value=train_loss, global_step=epoch)

If you want to log value for specific logger, then use self.loggers.YOUR_LOGGER_CLASS

self.loggers.SummaryWriter.add_scalar(tag='Loss/train', scalar_value=train_loss, global_step=epoch)

Configuration via methods re-implemetation

How to change all hyperparameters in the hyperparameters card?

All what you neeed is just re-define hyperparameters_ui method in subclass of ObjectDetectionTrainDashboad

class CustomTrainDashboard(ObjectDetectionTrainDashboad):
    def hyperparameters_ui(self):
        hparams_widgets = {}
        # adding widgets to "my_hparam_tab" in IU. "my_hparam_tab" will be used as parent key.
        if 'my_hparam_tab' in self._hyperparameters_categories:
            hparams_widgets['my_hparam_tab'] = [
                # adding hparam 
                    title='Name for added hyperparameter', 
                    description='Any description for added hyperparameter', 
                    # any widget from sly.app.widgets with "get_value" method or 
                    # you should redefine "get_hyperparameters" method to handle with these widgets
                    content=InputNumber(10, min=1, max=100000, size='small')),
                # this string required for adding additional widgets to "my_hparam_tab" 
                *self._extra_hyperparams.get('my_hparam_tab', [])
# Add new tab name to the list for displaying them in UI
hparams_tabs = ['my_hparam_tab']
dashboard = CustomTrainDashboard(
    hyperparameters_categories = hparams_tabs

Additional notes

Environment variable SLY_APP_DATA_DIR in src.globals is used to provide access to app files when the app will be finished. If something went wrong in your training process at any moment - you won't lose checkpoints and other important artifacts. They will be available by SFTP.

By default object detection training template app use this directoties structure from src/sly_globals:

├─ project_dir # project training data destination folder
└─ data_dir # All training artefacts. This dir will be saved in Team files at `remote_data_dir` at the end of training process.
  ├─ checkpoints_dir #  Model checkponts will be saved here. This dir included in `data_dir`.
  └─ tensorboard_runs_dir # This dir will be created if tensorboard ResultsWriter was passed in loggers list 

remote_data_dir = f"/train_dashboard/{project.name}/runs/{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}" - the destination dir in Team files for all training artefacts.

Last updated