widget in Supervisely is a dropdown menu that allows users to select a team from a list of available teams. Clicking on it can be processed from python code. This widget is particularly useful when working with multiple teams in Supervisely and allows to easily switch between team in applications.
Function signature
Copy SelectTeam (
default_id = None ,
show_label = True ,
size = None ,
widget_id = None ,
Default supervisely team ID
Literal["large", "small", "mini", None]
Selector size (large/small/mini)
Determine Team
will be selected by default.
type: int
default value: None
Copy select_team = SelectTeam (default_id = team_id)
Determine show text Team
on widget or not.
type: bool
default value: True
Copy select_team = SelectTeam (default_id = team_id, show_label = False )
Size of input.
type: Literal["large", "small", "mini", None]
default value: None
Copy select_team = SelectTeam (default_id = team_id, show_label = False )
select_mini = SelectTeam (default_id = team_id, show_label = False , size = "mini" )
select_small = SelectTeam (default_id = team_id, show_label = False , size = "small" )
select_large = SelectTeam (default_id = team_id, show_label = False , size = "large" )
card = Card (
title = "Select Team" ,
content = Container (widgets = [select_team, select_mini, select_small, select_large]),
ID of the widget.
type: str
default value: None
Methods and attributes
Attributes and Methods
Mini App Example
You can find this example in our Github repository:
Import libraries
Copy import os
import supervisely as sly
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from supervisely . app . widgets import Button , Card , Container , NotificationBox , SelectTeam
Init API client
First, we load environment variables with credentials and init API for communicating with Supervisely Instance:
Copy load_dotenv ( "local.env" )
load_dotenv (os.path. expanduser ( "~/supervisely.env" ))
api = sly . Api ()
Prepare Team
Copy team_id = sly . env . team_id ()
Initialize SelectTeam
Copy select_team = SelectTeam ()
Create button and notification box we will use in UI for demo
Copy ok_btn = Button ( "OK" )
notification_box = NotificationBox ()
Create app layout
Prepare a layout for app using Card
widget with the content
parameter and place widget that we've just created in the Container
Copy card = Card (
title = "Select Team" ,
content = Container (widgets = [select_team, ok_btn, notification_box]),
layout = Container (widgets = [card])
Create app using layout
Create an app object with layout parameter.
Copy app = sly . Application (layout = layout)
Add functions to get team ID
from widget
Copy @ok_btn . click
def show_team_members ():
team_id = select_team . get_selected_id ()
team = api . team . get_info_by_id (team_id)
notification_box . set (
title = f "Team ' { } '" ,
description = f "Your role in the team: { team.role } " ,