CompareAnnotations is a simple widget that allows you to compare different annotations for one image. It can be useful for comparing annotations of different applied NN models. Widget doesn't support Keypoints shape. This widget is based on GridGallery widget.
If no image is given, this message will be displayed.
default value:"No image was provided"
compare_annotations =CompareAnnotations(columns_number=3, empty_message="Set image URL and annotations")
ID of the widget.
default value:None
Methods and attributes
Attributes and Methods
Returns current image URL
Set current image by URL
Add annotations to gallery
Checks whether image is set or not
Clean up widget from image and annotations
Mini App Example
In this example, we will use CompareAnnotations widget to display different annotations for one image. We will modify and duplicate an existing image annotation and slightly alter the labels on it, to make them different. All labels will be converted to shape Rectangle.
You can find this example in our Github repository:
Option 2. You can also serve images from your local machine, using a static directory
Sort lists of images and annotations to make sure they are in the correct order.
static_dir =Path("compare data/005_compare_annotations/images")ann_dir =Path("compare data/005_compare_annotations/annotations")image_urls =sorted([f"/static/{get_file_name_with_ext(path)}"for path in static_dir.iterdir()if path.is_file()])local_annotations =sorted([str(path) for path in ann_dir.iterdir() if path.is_file()])
Read annotations from local .json files
image_anns = []for local_ann in local_annotations: ann = sly.Annotation.from_json( data=sly.json.load_json_file(local_ann), project_meta=project_meta ) image_anns.append(ann)
Iterate over column numbers and append modified annotations to widget
We iterate over column numbers for demo purposes to show all annotations in one line.
for i inrange(compare_annotations.columns_number): ann =ann_to_bbox(image_anns[0]) compare_annotations.append( annotation=ann, title=ann_names[i], column_index=i, )
Create buttons for changing current image and cleaning up widget