widget in Supervisely is a media player that utilizes the HTML <video>
tag and provides additional functionalities to control it through Python code such as seeking and controlling the current playback time in seconds. It uses the built-in browser player, which is supported by most devices.
In addition, Video Player has a feature for overlaying an image on top of the video without modifying the video itself.
Function signature
Copy VideoPlayer (url = None , mime_type = "video/mp4" , widget_id = None )
Video url or local path to video on the host
Video url or local path to video on the host. Determines the video to be displayed on widget.
type: str
default value: None
Determines video type.
type: str
default value: video/mp4
ID of the widget.
type: str
default value: None
Methods and attributes
Attributes and Methods
set_video(url: str, mime_type: str = "video/mp4")
Set video in VideoPlayer
widget by url.
Return current video playing step.
set_current_timestamp(value: int)
Set current video playing step.
Draw a mask image on top of the video without changing video.
Hide the drawn mask from the video.
Mini App Example
You can find this example in our Github repository:
Import libraries
Copy import os
from pathlib import Path
import supervisely as sly
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from supervisely . app . widgets import Button , Card , Container , Checkbox
from supervisely . app . widgets import Flexbox , InputNumber , VideoPlayer
from supervisely . _utils import abs_url
Init API client
First, we load environment variables with credentials and init API for communicating with Supervisely Instance:
Copy load_dotenv ( "local.env" )
load_dotenv (os.path. expanduser ( "~/supervisely.env" ))
api = sly . Api ()
Prepare videos url and type
Copy video_id = int (os.environ[ "modal.state.slyVideoId" ]) # get video ID from environment
video_info = api . video . get_info_by_id (id = video_id) # get VideoInfo from server
video_url = abs_url (video_info.path_original)
video_mime_type = video_info . file_meta [ "mime" ]
local_video_url = "/static/video-cam2.mp4" # local video url
local_video_type = "video/mp4" # local video url
Initialize VideoPlayer
widgets we will use in UI
Copy video1 = VideoPlayer (url = local_video_url, mime_type = local_video_type)
video2 = VideoPlayer ()
video2 . set_video (url = video_url, mime_type = video_mime_type)
Create a video control form
Copy play_btn = Button (text = "Play" , button_size = "mini" , icon = "zmdi zmdi-play" )
pause_btn = Button (text = "Pause" , button_size = "mini" , icon = "zmdi zmdi-pause" )
get_time_btn = Button (text = "Get timestamp" , button_size = "mini" )
input_time = InputNumber (
value = 0 ,
min = 0 ,
max = round (video_info.file_meta[ "duration" ], 1 ),
step = 0.1 ,
set_time_btn = Button (text = "Set timestamp" , button_size = "mini" )
input_sec = InputNumber (min = 0.1 , max = 1000 , step = 0.1 , size = "small" , controls = True )
forward_btn = Button (text = "" , button_size = "mini" , icon = "zmdi zmdi-fast-forward" , icon_gap = 0 )
rewind_btn = Button (text = "" , button_size = "mini" , icon = "zmdi zmdi-fast-rewind" , icon_gap = 0 )
controls_container = Flexbox (widgets = [play_btn, pause_btn])
change_timestamp_container = Flexbox (
widgets = [rewind_btn, input_sec, forward_btn, get_time_btn, input_time, set_time_btn]
draw_mask_checkbox = Checkbox ( "draw mask on video" )
mask_url = ""
Create app layout
Prepare a layout for app using Card
widget with the content
parameter and place widget that we've just created in the Container
Copy card1 = Card (
title = "Video player" ,
content = video1,
card2 = Card (
title = "Controls - operations from python code" ,
content = Container (
widgets = [video2, draw_mask_checkbox, controls_container, change_timestamp_container]
layout = Container (widgets = [card1, card2], direction = "horizontal" , fractions = [ 1 , 1 ])
Create app using layout
Define static_dir
parameter for using files from local directory. Create an app object with layout
Copy static_dir = Path ( "media/005_video_player/videos" )
app = sly . Application (layout = layout, static_dir = static_dir)
Handle button clicks
Use the decorator as shown below to handle button click. We have 4 buttons: to play video, to stop video, to get timestamp, to set timestamp.
Copy @play_btn . click
def play ():
video2 . play ()
@pause_btn . click
def pause ():
video2 . pause ()
@get_time_btn . click
def get_current_timestamp ():
input_time . value = video2 . get_current_timestamp ()
@set_time_btn . click
def set_current_timestamp ():
time_to_set = input_time . get_value ()
video2 . set_current_timestamp (time_to_set)
@draw_mask_checkbox . value_changed
def draw_mask ( value ):
global g
if value is False :
video2 . hide_mask ()
video2 . draw_mask (mask_url)
@forward_btn . click
def fast_forward_video ():
step = input_sec . get_value ()
if video2 . url is None :
currrent_time = video2 . get_current_timestamp ()
video2 . set_current_timestamp (currrent_time + step)
@rewind_btn . click
def fast_rewind_video ():
step = input_sec . get_value ()
if video2 . url is None :
currrent_time = video2 . get_current_timestamp ()
video2 . set_current_timestamp (currrent_time - step)