

ElementTagsList widget in Supervisely is a widget that allows users to display multiple elements tags in the UI.

Function signature

ElementTagsList(tags=tags, widget_id=None)



List of ElementTagsList.Tag objects, that will be displayed in the UI. ElementTagsList.Tag object is based on ElementTag widget and has the same arguments. You can learn about them in the ElementTag tutorial.

If you want to add close button to the tag, you can use ElementTagsList.Tag object with closable=True argument.

type: List[ElementTagsList.Tag]

tag_names = ["Tag 1", "Tag 2", "Tag 3"]
tags = []
for tag_name in tag_names:
    el_tag = ElementTagsList.Tag(text=tag_name, closable=True)

el_tags_list = ElementTagsList(tags=tags)


ID of the widget

type: str

default value: None

Methods and attributes

Mini App Example

You can find this example in our Github repository:

supervisely-ecosystem/ui-widgets-demos/text elements/009_element_tags_list/src/main.py

Import libraries

import os
import supervisely as sly
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from supervisely.app.widgets import Card, ElementTagsList

Init API client

First, we load environment variables with credentials and init API for communicating with Supervisely Instance:


api = sly.Api()

Create Tag objects for ElementTagsList widget

el_tag = ElementTagsList.Tag(text="Tag")
all_tag_types = [el_tag]
for tag_type in ["primary", "gray", "success", "warning", "danger"]:
    curr_tag = ElementTagsList.Tag(
        text=f"Tag {tag_type}", type=tag_type, hit=True, closable=True, close_transition=False

Initialize ElementTagsList widget

el_tags_list = ElementTagsList(tags=all_tag_types)

Create app layout

Prepare a layout for app using Card widget with the content parameter.

card = Card(
    "Element Tags List",

layout = card

Create app using layout

Create an app object with layout parameter.

app = sly.Application(layout=layout)

Add handlers to the widget

def close_tag(current_tags):
    el_tags_list.add_tags([ElementTagsList.Tag(text="New Tag", closable=True)])

Last updated