is a widget in Supervisely that displays a single object class and provides a convenient way to view the name, color, as well as the icon and shape type of the class.
Function signature
Copy obj_class_view = ObjectClassView (
obj_class = sly. ObjClass ( "cat" , sly.Bitmap, [ 255 , 0 , 0 ]),
show_shape_text = True ,
show_shape_icon = True ,
widget_id = None
If True
display shape text
If True
display shape icon
Supervisely object class
type: ObjClass
Copy obj_class = sly . ObjClass (
name = "cat" ,
geometry_type = sly.Bitmap,
color = [ 255 , 0 , 0 ]
obj_class_view = ObjectClassView (obj_class = obj_class)
Display shape text of object class
type: bool
default value: True
Copy obj_class_view = ObjectClassView (
obj_class = obj_class,
show_shape_text = False
Display object class icon
type: bool
default value: False
Copy obj_class_view = ObjectClassView (
obj_class = obj_class,
show_shape_icon = True
ID of the widget.
type: str
default value: None
Mini App Example
You can find this example in our Github repository:
Import libraries
Copy import os
import supervisely as sly
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from supervisely . app . widgets import Card , Container , Field , ObjectClassView , ProjectThumbnail
Init API client
First, we load environment variables with credentials and init API for communicating with Supervisely Instance:
Copy load_dotenv ( "local.env" )
load_dotenv (os.path. expanduser ( "~/supervisely.env" ))
api = sly . Api ()
Initialize Project ID
we will use
Copy project_id = sly . env . project_id ()
Get Project info and meta from server
Copy project_info = api . project . get_info_by_id (id = project_id)
project_meta = api . project . get_meta (id = project_id)
Prepare ObjClass
for each class in project
Prepare dictionary to get geometry type by geometry name
"any" : sly . AnyGeometry ,
"bitmap" : sly . Bitmap ,
"point" : sly . Point ,
"polygon" : sly . Polygon ,
"rectangle" : sly . Rectangle ,
"line" : sly . Polyline ,
create ObjClass for each class in project
Copy classes = [
sly . ObjClass (
name = obj[ "title" ],
geometry_type = SHAPES_TYPES[obj[ "shape" ]],
for obj in project_meta [ "classes" ]
Create ObjClassCollection
from ObjClasses
Copy classes = sly . ObjClassCollection (classes)
Initialize ObjectClassView
In this tutorial we will create list of ObjectClassView
objects for each class in project.
Copy obj_class_view = [
ObjectClassView (
obj_class = obj_class,
show_shape_text = True ,
show_shape_icon = True ,
for obj_class in classes
Create app layout
Prepare a layout for app using Card
, Field
widgets with the content
parameter and place widgets that we've just created in the Container
Copy obj_class_container = Container (widgets = obj_class_view)
obj_class_field = Field (
content = obj_class_container,
title = "Project classes:" ,
project_thumbnail = ProjectThumbnail (project_info)
card = Card (
title = "ObjectClassView" ,
content = Container (widgets = [project_thumbnail, obj_class_field]),
layout = Container (widgets = [card])
Create app using layout
Create an app object with layout parameter.
Copy app = sly . Application (layout = layout)