widget from Supervisely is a tool that provides quick access to important information and features in Supervisely apps. Sidebar
is a vertical panel that appears on the left side of the app interface and includes widget user will placed in. Sidebar
widget is a useful tool for streamlining workflows and improving user productivity in the apps.
Function signature
Copy Sidebar (
left_content = Button (),
right_content = Card ( "Input" , content = Input ()),
width_percent = 25 ,
widget_id = None ,
Parameters Type Description Widget to display in left part of Sidebar
Widget to display in right part of Sidebar
Width of the left part of Sidebar
in %
Height of sidebar, can be set in px, % or hv
Add paddings for full screen apps
Determine Widget
to display in left part of Sidebar
type: Widget
Determine Widget
to display in right part of Sidebar
type: Widget
Copy left = Button (text = "Left Button" )
right = Button (text = "Right Button" )
sidebar = Sidebar (left_content = left, right_content = right)
Determines width of the left part of Sidebar
in %.
type: int
default value: 25
Copy left = Button (text = "Left Button" )
right = Button (text = "Right Button" )
sidebar = Sidebar (left_content = left, right_content = right, width_percent = 75 )
Height of sidebar, can be set in px
or hv
type: str
Copy left = Button (text = "Left Button" )
right = Button (text = "Right Button" )
sidebar = Sidebar (left_content = left, right_content = right, height = "250px" )
Add paddings for full screen apps.
type: bool
default value: False
Copy left = Button (text = "Left Button" )
right = Button (text = "Right Button" )
sidebar = Sidebar (left_content = left, right_content = right, height = "350px" , standalone = True )
ID of the widget.
type: str
default value: None
Mini App Example
You can find this example in our Github repository:
ui-widgets-demos/layouts and containers/009_sidebar/src/
Import libraries
Copy import os
import supervisely as sly
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from supervisely . app . widgets import Select , Sidebar , Text
Init API client
First, we load environment variables with credentials and init API for communicating with Supervisely Instance:
Copy load_dotenv ( "local.env" )
load_dotenv (os.path. expanduser ( "~/supervisely.env" ))
api = sly . Api ()
Initialize left and right widgets
Copy left = Text (text = "left part" , status = "success" )
items = [
Select . Item (label = "CPU" , value = "cpu" ),
Select . Item (label = "GPU 0" , value = "cuda:0" ),
Select . Item (value = "option3" ),
right = Select (items = items, filterable = True , placeholder = "select me" )
Copy sidebar = Sidebar (left_content = left, right_content = right)
Create app using layout
Create an app object with layout parameter.
Copy app = sly . Application (layout = sidebar)