widget in Supervisely is used to create a grid of LinePlot
subplots with a given list of data. Users can add plots in real-time, making it useful for interactive data exploration and analysis.
Function signature
Copy data_1 = {
"title" : "Line 1" ,
"series" : [ { "name" : "Line 1" , "data" : s1 } ] ,
data_2 = {
"title" : "Line 2" ,
"series" : [ { "name" : "Line 2" , "data" : s2 } ] ,
data_all = {
"title" : "All lines" ,
"series" : [ { "name" : "Line 1" , "data" : s1 }, { "name" : "Line 2" , "data" : s2 } ] ,
grid_plot = GridPlot (data = [data_1, data_2, data_all], columns = 3 )
List of data to display on GridPlot
type: List[Dict or str]
Copy data_max = { "title" : "Max" , "series" : [ { "name" : "Max" , "data" : s1 } ] }
data_denis = { "title" : "Denis" , "series" : [ { "name" : "Denis" , "data" : s2 } ] }
grid_plot = GridPlot (data = [data_max, data_denis])
Determine number of columns on GridPlot
type: int
default value: 1
Copy data_max = { "title" : "Max" , "series" : [ { "name" : "Max" , "data" : s1 } ] }
data_denis = { "title" : "Denis" , "series" : [ { "name" : "Denis" , "data" : s2 } ] }
grid_plot = GridPlot (data = [data_max, data_denis], columns = 2 )
Determine gap between widgets on GridPlot
type: int
default value: 10
Copy data_max = { "title" : "Max" , "series" : [ { "name" : "Max" , "data" : s1 } ] }
data_denis = { "title" : "Denis" , "series" : [ { "name" : "Denis" , "data" : s2 } ] }
grid_plot = GridPlot (data = [data_max, data_denis], columns = 2 , gap = 100 )
ID of the widget.
type: str
default value: None
Methods and attributes
Mini App Example
You can find this example in our GitHub repository:
ui-widgets-demos/charts and plots/006_grid_plot/src/
Import libraries
Copy import os
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely . app . widgets import Card , Container , GridPlot
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import numpy as np
Init API client
First, we load environment variables with credentials and init API for communicating with Supervisely Instance:
Copy load_dotenv ( "local.env" )
load_dotenv (os.path. expanduser ( "~/supervisely.env" ))
api = sly . Api ()
Prepare series for plot
Copy size1 = 10
x1 = list ( range (size1))
y1 = np . random . randint (low = 10 , high = 148 , size = size1). tolist ()
s1 = [ { "x" : x , "y" : y } for x , y in zip (x1, y1) ]
size2 = 30
x2 = list ( range (size2))
y2 = np . random . randint (low = 0 , high = 300 , size = size2). tolist ()
s2 = [ { "x" : x , "y" : y } for x , y in zip (x2, y2) ]
data_max = { "title" : "Max" , "series" : [ { "name" : "Max" , "data" : s1 } ] }
data_denis = { "title" : "Denis" , "series" : [ { "name" : "Denis" , "data" : s2 } ] }
data_all = {
"title" : "Max vs Denis" ,
"series" : [ { "name" : "Max" , "data" : s1 }, { "name" : "Denis" , "data" : s2 } ] }
Initialize GridPlot
Copy grid_plot = GridPlot (data = [data_max, data_denis, data_all], columns = 2 )
Create app layout
Prepare a layout for app using Card
widget with the content
parameter and place widget that we've just created in the Container
Copy card = Card (
title = "GridPlot" ,
content = grid_plot,
layout = Container (widgets = [card], direction = "vertical" )
Create app using layout
Create an app object with layout parameter.
Copy app = sly . Application (layout = layout)
Last updated 7 months ago