

Video widget in Supervisely is a custom player designed for displaying videos and annotations frame-by-frame. It allows to play, pause, rewind, and fast-forward videos, as well as move through them frame by frame. It is a powerful tool for visualizing and analyzing video data with annotations.

Function signature

Video(video_id=None, widget_id=None)





Video ID



ID of the widget


Determines Video ID, used in Video widget.

type: int

default value: None


ID of the widget.

type: str

default value: None

Methods and attributes

Attributes and MethodsDescription

video_id(id: int)

Get video_id property.

loading(value: bool)

Get or set loading property to Video widget.

set_video(id: int)

Set video in Video widget by ID.

set_current_frame(value: int)

Set video player to given frame.


Get current video player frame.


Return number of frames in video.


Decodator function is handled when video start to play.


Decodator function is handled when video stopped.


Decodator function is handled when a frame index is being changed.


Decodator function is handled when there was no change in frame index for the last second.

Mini App Example

You can find this example in our Github repository:


Import libraries

import os
from random import randint

import supervisely as sly
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from import Button, Card, Container, Video

Init API client

First, we load environment variables with credentials and init API for communicating with Supervisely Instance:


api = sly.Api()

Get Video ID from environment variables

video_id = int(os.environ["modal.state.slyVideoId"])

Get VideoInfo from server

video_info =

Initialize Video widget we will use in UI

video = Video(video_id=video_id)

Initialize buttons to control widget

button_random_frame = Button(text="Random", icon="zmdi zmdi-tv")
button_loading = Button(text="Loading", icon="zmdi zmdi-refresh")

buttons_container = Container(
    widgets=[button_random_frame, button_loading], direction="horizontal",)

Create app layout

Prepare a layout for app using Card widget with the content parameter and place widget that we've just created in the Container widget.

card = Card(
    content=Container(widgets=[video, buttons_container]),

layout = Container(widgets=[card])

Create app using layout

Create an app object with layout parameter.

app = sly.Application(layout=layout)

Handle button clicks

Use the decorator as shown below to handle button click. We have 6 buttons: to play video, to stop video, to change video frame, to stop change video frame, to set random frame, to download video.
def set_random_frame():
    video.set_current_frame(randint(0, video_info.frames_count - 1))
def video_loading():
    if video.loading:
        video.loading = False
        video.loading = True
    print(f"Loading: {video.loading}")

Last updated